International workshop lecturing

Prednáška a workshop svetelného dizajnu pre študentov Yeats Academy of Arts, Design & Architecture na Institute of Technology Sligo v Írsku. Workshop bol súčasťou pracovnej cesty zastrešenej programom Erazmus+, v rámci nadäzovania a upevňovania vzťahov medzi Katedrou scénografie DF VŠMU a zahraničnými partnermi. Súčasťou programu pre študentov YAADA bol aj workshop maľby pod vedením doc. Rašlu a masterclass v gescii prof. Čaneckého. Workshopy sa uskutočnili v termínoch 7.-9.3.2022. Špeciálna vďaka patrí kolegom z IT Sligo – Kataríne Rozvadskej a Nieallovi Reovi.

Foto: JP

Z newslettra IT Sligo s z názvom Snippets:


This week lecturers from the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava travelled all the way to ITSligo to conduct workshops and masterclasses with our Y2, Y3 and Y4 Theatre Design students.  These were on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.

The workshops included a Lighting Workshop with Jan Ptacin, a Painting Workshop with Milan Rasla and Set & Costume Design Masterclass with Peter Canecky.

This was a fantastic opportunity for our students and so much was learned over the course of the 3 days.  It is very clear to see the students and lecturers all really enjoyed these interactive classes – just look at those SMILES 😊

Eileen Conlon, Asst. Staff Officer, Faculty of Engineering and Design, ITSligo, Ash Lane, Sligo. F91 YW50